QTWIST program


The QTWIST program aims to uncover the fundamental properties of emerging synthetic quantum materials, including a vast range of two-dimensional materials, and their potential future applications in quantum nanoelectronics and optoelectronics.

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Unique infrastructure and imaging techniques are needed to observe desired properties that can be achieved by precise twisting of synthetic quantum matter.

Through the QTwist program, ICFO, in close collaboration with Distinguished Invited Professors from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US) and the Max Planck Society (DE), as well as other world renown scientific collaborators from leading institutions around the world, aims to create completely new functionalities from two-dimensional quantum materials. An important aspect in this effort is to develop novel experimental tools to probe the phenomena that emerge from interaction, topology, and twisting.

High-level career development of excellent young scientists.

High-level career development of excellent young scientists.

Work with us

Concentration of international expertise

Concentration of international expertise through formal international collaborations with Distinguished Invited Professors as well as world-renown scientists involved in the QTWIST Board.

Establishing Barcelona, Catalonia and Spain as a pivotal center for Quantum materials

Establishing Barcelona, Catalonia and Spain as a pivotal center for Quantum materials, with the aim of generating economic value and fostering societal engagement.


Adrian Bachtold

Adrian Bachtold

ICFO Group Leader,
Quantum NanoElectronics and NanoMechanics

Dmitri Basov

Dmitri Basov

Columbia University Professor. Member of National Academy of Sciences

Claudia Felser

Claudia Felser

Director at Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids and ICFO Distinguished Invited Professor. Member of National Academy of Sciences

Shahal Ilani

Shahal Ilani

Weizmann Institute Professor

Pablo Jarillo-Herrero

Pablo Jarillo-Herrero

Massachusetts Institute of Technology and ICFO Distinguished Invited Professor. Member of National Academy of Sciences

Aharon Kapitulnik

Aharon Kapitulnik

Stanford University Professor. Member of National Academy of Sciences

Frank Koppens

Frank Koppens

ICFO Group Leader,
Quantum Nano-Optoelectronics group

Marco Polini

Marco Polini

University of Pisa Professor and ICFO Visiting Professor

Carmen Rubio

Carmen Rubio

ICFO Group Leader,
STM on 2D quantum materials group

Amir Yacoby

Amir Yacoby

Harvard University Professor. Member of National Academy of Sciences

Ali Yazdani

Ali Yazdani

Princeton University Professor. Member of National Academy of Sciences


Funded by

  • Generalitat de Catalunya Departament de Recerca i Universitats
  • Generalitat de Catalunya Departament Empresa i Treball
  • Gobierno de España, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades

Competitive Funding

Cavity quantum electrodynamics engineering of quantum materials

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Funded by EU

MSCA Staff Exchanges: EXQIRAL

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Fundación BBVA

FUNDAMENTOS: An electronic quantum simulator (EQS)

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Joint Labs

Work with us

We are actively recruiting PhD students and postdoctoral researchers to do cutting edge research in the QTwist program.

Open positions are listed on the corresponding ICFO group pages and linked to application details on the institute’s JOBS website, alongside projects and positions throughout the center. You may contact ICFO group leaders directly for further information.

Quantum NanoElectronics and NanoMechanics

Calls open

We investigate quantum transport properties down to 7 mK temperature of correlated electron states in twisted bilayer graphene and other superlattice systems.

ICFO Group Leader Prof. Dr. Adrian Bachtold

Quantum Nano-Optoelectronics

Calls open

We study interactions between light and 2D material for quantum technologies and novel ways of manipulating materials

ICFO Group Leader ICREA Prof. Dr. Frank Koppens

STM on 2D quantum materials

Calls open

We focus on the study of cirreskated ogases that emerge in two dimensional astystems by means of low-temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy (STM/ STS)

ICFO Group leader Prof. Carmen Rubio Verdú